Registration for Operation: ReForge

Welcome to the registration page for Temet Nosce's Etamui prequel event, Operation: ReForge! In addition to your character survey, please don't forget to pre-pay, or let us know if you need an alternate method of payment.

This is a freeform live-action roleplaying game (or LARP) written in the Progressive ("Nordic") style for 15-30 players. Operation: ReForge is a one-shot, day-long futuristic cyberpunk LARP written in a collaborative roleplaying style. Participants will play one of the inventive, transhumanist Etamui gathered in the underbelly of glitzy Celestial Station to plot and organize a revolution, with opportunity for interpersonal drama, cybernetic hacking, adventure, mystery, and tragedy. 

The goal of Operation: ReForge is to collaboratively create and experience a taste of the Temet Nosce setting in general and the Etamui in specific while exploring themes of relationships and reflections on the nature of what makes us human. Each player gets a rough character backstory from which to build relationships, conflict, and drama; from there, you customize the character to your liking.

Read about the Etamui, or find all posts about the setting of Temet Nosce.


Please let us know what factions you'd like to play or would like to avoid. 

SciDevs  are the intellectual class, doing the research and development work. ProdOps are the working class, doing skilled labor and hands-on work. Gawans are miners, cargo pilots, laborers, refinery operators, and industry workers. Glitches are those outside the Etamui social structure, either by choice or circumstance. Read more about the Etamui factions here.


Here is a list of character archetypes we'll be drawing on for Operation: ReForge. Please reference this list for the following two questions.

Artist   Brawler   Rebel   Mystic   
Leader   Scientist   Idealist   Hacker   
Caretaker   Criminal   Activist   Hotshot   
Jester   Hedonist   Mentor   Seeker   


Here is a list of narrative elements we'll be drawing on for Operation: ReForge. Please reference this list for the following two questions.

Technology   Mystery   Oppression   Personal Tragedy   
Revolution   Crime   Romance   Rivalry   
Psychedelia   Cyborgs   Hacking   Espionage